Impact of MCT1 haploinsufficiency on the mouse retina

by N.S. Peachey, M. Yu, J.Y.S. Han, S. Lengacher, P.J. Magistretti, L. Pellerin, N.J. Philp
Year: 2018 ISSN: DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-75402-4_46


Impact of MCT1 haploinsufficiency on the mouse retina
N.S. Peachey, M. Yu, J.Y.S. Han, S. Lengacher, P.J. Magistretti, L. Pellerin, N.J. Philp
Retinal Degenerative Diseases, Volume: 1074,  Pages: 375-380, 2018




The monocarboxylate transporter 1 (MCT1) is highly expressed in the outer retina, suggesting that it plays a critical role in photoreceptors. We examined MCT1+/− heterozygotes, which express half of the normal complement of MCT1. The MCT1+/− retina developed normally and retained normal function, indicating that MCT1 is expressed at sufficient levels to support outer retinal metabolism.



MCT1 Retina Lactate Transgenic mice Electroretinogram