Hypertonic lactate to improve cerebral perfusion and glucose availability after acute brain injury

by L. Carteron, D. Solari, C. Patet, H. Quintard, J.-P. Miroz, J. Bloch, R.T. Daniel, L. Hirt, P. Eckert, P.J. Magistretti, M. Oddo
Year: 2018 ISSN: DOI: 10.1097/CCM.0000000000003274


Hypertonic lactate to improve cerebral perfusion and glucose availability after acute brain injury
L. Carteron, D. Solari, C. Patet, H. Quintard, J.-P. Miroz, J. Bloch, R.T. Daniel; L. Hirt, P. Eckert, P.J. Magistretti, M. Oddo
Critical Care Medicine. 46(10):1649–1655, 2018




The monocarboxylate transporter 1 (MCT1) is highly expressed in the outer retina, suggesting that it plays a critical role in photoreceptors. We examined MCT1+/- heterozygotes, which express half of the normal complement of MCT1. The MCT1(+/-) retina developed normally and retained normal function, indicating that MCT1 is expressed at sufficient levels to support outer retinal metabolism.


Brain metabolism Cerebral microdialysis Cerebral perfusion Glucose Hypertonic Lactate